Embodying the Goddess Temple
If you are here, it means you have heard the call of your soul.
You, like millions of women from all across the world, are awakening to your Divine purpose and the Goddess, the Priestess dwelling within is yearning to be set free.
You were made to live a life of prosperity and ecstasy. You were created to experience the bliss of embodying pussy power and it is time to honor the sacred magick that is your birthright as a womban.
The magick that has been held captive within your heart and womb, as well as in the collective womb, will become amplified when you are in the presence of your Sistars.
You can feel your soul tribe beckoning you to go deeper and further on your journey towards spiritual freedom, and that means to immerse yourself in a sacred community with resources, guidance and support.
Embodying the Goddess Temple Membership
Sensual Sunday Service
“Sensual Sundays” were created and hosted by Priestess and Ordained Minister Tiara Shardé. This is a different kind of chuuch where we give honor to womban, the womb, and the Goddess. Members of the temple are welcome to attend live Sunday service and fellowship every 1st and 3rd Sunday at 10am cst.
Wise Guide
Members receive guidance from a celebrated oracle, priestess and certified master life coach experienced in the Divine Feminine principles, soul's purpose, sex magic and manifestation, and more. Members can also register for 1:1 mentorship with Tiara Shardé.
Prophetic Word
Prophetic Words are prophetic messages from the Divine shared once a month that are specifically catered to temple members to support their spiritual elevation.
Prayer & Meditation
Temple members can enjoy live prayer and meditation every 2nd Wednesday at 7am cst.
The Akashic Records
Explore full access to the archives which include sermons and our video/audio libraries.
Rise Up, Goddess!
Members receive exclusive opportunities for leadership, teaching and speaking engagements within The Embodying the Goddess Temple.
The Mystery School
Receive first priority in our mystery school programs, and courses.
Let's Get Away
Temple members receive first priority on retreats, mission trips, ministry services, as well as meet and greets.
All Aboard!
Join The Embodying the Goddess Temple's board of directors! We love to promote from within in order to create a lasting legacy.
Goddess Book Club
Each month, we'll read a woman empowered book together. Goddess Book Clubbers are able to vote on upcoming books, meetup, discuss and connect each month, and have access to our private group chat community! Our club is open to both temple members and the collective.
Enter the Temple, Goddess
Embodying the Goddess Temple is a sacred, cosmic temple where you can be in the presence of the Most High and the Goddess - YOU.
Within you is the gateway in which you access the codes of your past, present and future. You possess the treasure chest of Divine knowledge and magick capable of bringing your dreams and your purpose into reality. Here is where you arrive when you are ready to claim your birthright as a natural born Goddess and Priestess.
Will you answer the call?
Embodying the Goddess Temple is a transformative, spiritual ministry in service to the Goddess, and it is here at this pivotal time to honor and restore the path of the Goddess. Our temple, and our ‘chuuch’ service, Sensual Sunday, is open to all those who honor womben and the Goddess.